Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

DKFT - Contoh Lap Keuangan Yang Menyesatkan

Kalau anda buka lap keuangan 2011 DKFT, anda akan merasa saham ini sangat murah sekali , karena EPS 2011 DKFT mencapai 1018 , atau P/E tidak sampai dengan 2 .

Kalau anda hanya liat by EPS , saham ini memang sangat murah sekali , tapi kalau anda baca lap keuangan DKFT lebih detil , maka anda akan melihat sebenarnya di 2010 DKFT ini tidak ada sama sekali penjualan yang terjadi , maka bisa dibilang apapun yang dilakukan di 2011 dan jikalau berhasil serta menghasilkan maka DKFT ini akan mengalami meningkatan yang significant

Apakah bisa dibilang saham DKFT ini jelek ?? tidak bisa dibilang seperti itu juga , tetapi saham seperti ini harus dipantau di Q1 2012 waktu nanti lap keuangan nya muncul . Apakah Q1 2012 akan ada growth kembali atau MALAH stagnan malah bisa jadi kembali ada penurunan

Saham ini sangat sangat rawan digoreng . dan saham ini sangat berbahaya sekali KALAU KITA HANYA MELIHAT laporan keuangan 2011 . TETAPI SAHAM INI WAJIB DIPANTAU KARENA SAHAM INI PASTI AKAN DIGORENG KE ATAS . dengan asumsi digoreng ke P/E 4 saja , maka DKFT akan bermain di arean 4000 an .

By TA , DKFT masih bermain di atas EMA 200 , dan secara short term DKFT berada di Downtrend . Begitu pula OBV juga masih berada di dalam downtrend channel .

Ini Trading Plan buat DKFT , Buy If Break 1810 , dan Stop Loss dibawah 1600 , Target SUKA SUKA , menurut gw saham ini akan fenomenal UNTUK DIGORENG

INDY - Buy And Hold For This Stock

Indy merupukan salah satu saham batubara yang terkoreksi cukup dalam , dari 5500 menuju lowest ke 2000 , dan hampir turun 60 % dari titik tertinggi dan Setelah itu indy berhasil mematahkan downtrend besar , dan sekarang indy memasuki wave 2 dimana ada pola a-b-c-d-e . Dan sekarang indy sedang menyelasaikan wave e . dan diprediksi tidak akan lama lagi wave e selesai maka indy akan memasuki wave 3 ,wave paling menguntungkan bagi trader . Dimana target dari wave 3 ini ada di 3500

By OBV , indy sangat menarik sekali , karena OBV indy malah sudah break new high dibanding harga 5500 .. Terlihat jelas ada bandar yang mengumpulkan saham ini dengan masif .

Berikut adalah trading plan for indy , buy if break 2625 , atau buy any price stoploss below 2500 , target terdekat di 2900

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

JPFA - Patient IS The KEY

Sabar mungkin hanya kuncinya di saham ini , mendekatnya support kuat dan resist kuat ema 200 , membuat saham ayam ini cuma ada 2 pilihan , NAIK KENCANG ATAU TURUN KENCANG , By obv sudah tembus triangle ,Seharusnya BESOK saham INI AKAN MAIN . Tapi kalau salah jangan ditimpukin yah hehehe . 

 Ini trading Plan buat Jpfa , Buy , dan stop loss jika tutup dibawah di 4150

INDF - Ready To Go

Indf mungkin dalam 2 tahun terakhir ini saham yang tidak bergerak sama sekali , atau bisa dikatakan turun . Dan setelah percobaan untuk menembus EMA 200 gagal  , indf tertahan di support kuat di 4800 , indikator OBV sudah menandakan akan rebound ini saham . Target indf adalah EMA 200 di 5200 ,. dan jaga stop loss di 4700 .

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

BJBR - Deviden Play

Rencanan Pembagian Deviden BJBR sebesar Rp 61.07 / saham atau sekitar 6  %  yield  akan membuat BJBR akan dipakai oleh bandar untuk melakukan pengerekan saham bjbr . Secara TA bjbr , by obv bjbr sudah reversal , dan bjbr akan menguji short term downtrend resist di 1100 . By Allgiator BJBR masih dibawah alligator sistem ( bearish ) . Biarpun ada potensi yield 6 % , bjbr gw sarankan hindari saja , Kecuali main cepat , dengan range 1000-1110

MAPI - Is It Cup And Handle ??

Mapi kalau dari chart , keliatan pola cup and handle sudah ditembus . tetapi penembusan nya tidak didukung dengan volume , yang membuat penembusan resist cup and handle agak meragukan .  Tetapi di beberapa kasus ada kalanya penembusan cup and handle tidak diikuti oleh volume . Tetapi OBV tidak menunjukan divergen negatif , sehingga MAPI kalau bisa bertahan di atas 6150 ,sangat memungkin untuk menuju target cup and handle di area 7100

Trading Plan buat MAPI , buy dan jaga stop loss kalau tutup di bawah 6100 . Target 7000 .

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


CPIN sedang membuat segitiga menyempit setelah mengalami rally . By OBV cpin tidak sedang distribusi  Sangat besar kemungkinan CPIN akan menjebol segitiga yang ada resist di 2750 , setelah itu jebol maka akan ke 2900 ( all time resist ) . Jaga Support 2525 , Jebol Out

ASII - Inverted Head And Shoulder

Melihat pola ASII , dimana ada kemungkinan adanya pola inverted cup and handle dimana resist nya ada di 73000 . Tapi lebih amannya entry waktu asii jebol 74 K . Dimana Target dari inverted cup and handle ada d all time ASII di 79650

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

LPCK - The Sky Is The Limit

Melihat EPS 2011 dimana Rp 370 , PER hanya 6x , dan ROE mencapai 31 %  serta DER 1.5 x maka bisa dibilang LPCK akan menjadi new HOT STOCK di 2012 , Dengan menagasumsikan PER 10x , maka LPCK diperdagangkan di harga 3700 atau mencapai hampir 70 % target kenaikan

PER 10x masih dibawah rata rata PER property yang lain sekitar 15 x

By TA , LPCK by OBV menunjukan newhigh , tidak ada negative divergen .
Setelah mengalami AR kanan , LPCK mengalami konsolidasi dan tertahan pas di 2200 . Melihat data fundamental yang fantastic , BUY LPCK dan jaga stop loss di bawah 2200 , Target tahan selama 3 - 6 bulan .

I See a Diamond for This Stock

IHSG Heading To 4195 and above

Lupain BBM , Ini Fase Mark UP

                Lupakan BBM dulu , dan BERANILAH MASUK ke market kembali , mungkin kata2 itu cocok untuk para investor yang menarik dana nya atau tidak berani bermain lagi di intrusmen saham . Berdasarkan koran kontan hari ini 22 Maret 2012 , reksadana saham mengalami redemption sekitar 1.5 T di bulan febuari   . Redemption terjadi kemungkinan besar investor sudah kecewa dimana IHSG tidak beranjak naik dan akibat sentimen yang buruk di regional maupun faktor internal
                Ada beberapa orang yang bermain saham sudah sangat skeptis terhadap saham , dan pandangan orang tersebut tidak salah , Saham – saham favorit  ritel seperti saham bank , asii  tidak berubah jauh dibanding awal tahun , dan yang main si 2012 adalah saham saham lapis kedua dan ketiga seperti AKRA , ESSA , LPCK , SSIA , INTA dan sebagainya .  Saham – Saham blue chip yang main pun hanya sektor semen . Sehingga menambah investor atau trader pun semakin malas bermain di saham
                Faktor BBM dan faktor history , bahwa IHSG akan turun sekitar 10-15 % dari titik tertinggi , semakin membuat retailer ketakutan ,  TETAPI APAKAH HISTORY ALWAYS REPEAT with the same pattern ????  Pertanyaan ini yang membuat gw dari awal pidato soal kenaikan BBM sampai sekarang , gw selalu bilang jangan PEDULIKAN BBM terlebih dahulu . Sekarang MUNGKIN akan tidak sama , karena permainan SAHAM adalah permainan the BIG MONEY always WINS . Apakah Bozz yang sudah kejepit dan ga bisa keluar akan MENYERAH BEGITU SAJA ???  satu-satu nya cara BOZZ besar HARUS MARK UP HABIS2AN  . Apalagi penurunan IHSG ke lowest 3820 , gw rasa faktor BBM sudah price IN , sekarang ADALAH SAATNYA MARK UP , Oleh karena itu dari hari selasa gw melakukan pembelian reksadana dengan full power gw untuk porsi gw main reksadana . karena gw YAKIN kita akan heading to 4195 and above
Nah oleh karena itu gw coba mencourage para pemain saham agar berani masuk kembali ke market khususnya trader . Berikut ini adalah pandangan trader gila by TA buat IHSG
1.       IHSG mempunyai support sangat kuat di 3850 dan 3830 . Support ini harus selalu diingat karena kalau sampai ditembus akan menjadi pola downtrend
2.       IHSG membuat pola higher low dan higher high yang ciri-ciri sedang fase bullish
3.       Penembusan 4020 adalah resisten yang kuat , yang akan membuat 4020 menjadi support kuat , penembusan 4020 dibawah akan membawa IHSG akan menjadi sideways
4.       Resisten 4050 tidak akan susah ditembus
5.       Secara alligator , IHSG sangat sangat bullish sekali  
6.       Yang menarik OBV yang tidak membuat new high , yang membuat kemungkinan besar akan sedang terjadi fase mark up

Chart IHSG Daily

Tetapi sekali lagi gw ingatkan , kita sebelum masuk kita harus mempunyai trading plan yang jelas , jangan sampai bisa masuk tapi ga bisa keluar . Berikut adalah trading plan buat IHSG dan saham yang kemungkinan akan naik
1.       IHSG , stop loss dibawah 4020 , target 4195
2.       UNTR  , stop loss dibawah 30200 , target 32850
3.       INTA , buy if break 920 with volume , target suka suka  
4.       CPIN , buy if break  2750  , target 2875
5.       SSIA , buy , stop loss dibawah 910 , tambah posisi jika break 970 , target diatas 970
6.       INDY , buy , stop loss dibawah 2500 , target 2900

Semoga dengan postingan ini , anda menjadi lebih berani masuk ke market , dan kalau benar ini hanya hoki , kalau salah berarti anda yang salah , krn dengerin ketikan trader gila

Berinvestasi di saham


Kenapa dalam saham itu ada istilah "bermain" saham bukan "berinvestasi" di saham? Seperti berinvestasi di Reksadana, logam mulia atau property. Padahal saham merupakan salah satu kendaraan untuk melipat gandakan aset kita

Dalam bermain saham kita mengenal 2 tipe orang yaitu investor atau menjadi seorang trader. Kedua tipe tersebut masing-masing mempunyai keuntungan dan kerugiannya.  Dan biasanya trader itu dianggap " bermain " saham .

Definisi investasi di saham (sebagai investor) adalah orang yang memilih suatu saham lalu menyimpan untuk jangka yang menengah sampai panjang , bisa 3 tahun atau bahkan lebih sesuai dengan target dari investor, dan baru melakukan penjualan jika sudah merasa untung atau target waktu sudah tercapai .

Sedangkan seorang yang melakukan trading atau disebut trader selalu membeli dan menjual saham dalam waktu yang cukup pendek , bisa 1 hari , 1 minggu atau 1 bulan.

Dari ke-2 tipe tersebut, saya telah banyak melihat contoh orang yang sukses dengan tipe investor ataupun sebagai trader. Untuk seseorang dapat sukses sebagai investor ataupun sebagai trader saham tetaplah harus memiliki kiat-kiat yang harus diperhatikan dan dipelajari.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk menjadi seorang yang menjadi investor di saham antara lain:

1. Tentukan Time Frame anda dengan Jelas , berapa lama anda akan melakukan invest terhadap saham tersebut

2 . Pelajari kondisi ekonomi dari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri, apakah kebijakan negara bisa mendukung kelangsungan dari saham tersebut

3. Pelajari lah fundamental saham tersebut , bagaimana manajemennya , apakah saham yang anda  pilih  manajemen tersebut merupakan manajemen yang track recordnya bersih atau buruk dibursa saham , pelajari keuangan dari saham tersebut

4. Jangan monitor tiap hari pergerakan saham anda, karena akan mempengaruhi psikologis anda

5 . Evaluasi terus menerus secara periodik , 3 bulan sekali dengan membaca lap keuangan , dan mengikuti RUPS agar mengetahui rencana kedepan dari saham tersebut

Beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk menjadi seorang trader :
1. Belajarlah technical analis ,  sebelum anda terjun menjadi trader , karena membuat anda
mengerti kapan entry dan exit

2. Luangkan waktu yang sering untuk monitor saham anda ,setidak2nya 1 hari sekali

3. Terapkan displin dalam melakukan cut loss , karena seorang trader harus mengetahui bahwa jika kalau salah mengambil posisi harus melakukan cut loss

4 . Tetapkan target dalam trading anda , dan jikalau sudah mencapai anda bisa melakukan realisasi , apakah tiap bulan anda hanya cari profit 2% , 3% , jika sudah tercapai maka anda harus  take profit

5 . Taklukan  " Fear and Greed" , karena itulah musuh terbesar dari seorang trader

Nah sekarang anda mengetahui apakah anda cocok untuk trading atau invest

Technical Analysis : Understanding Volume

Many of our readers have asked for more information on volume, so we decided to publish a complete series on volume over the next four weeks.  This series is aimed at giving you fundamental understanding of volume attributes and behaviors.  Each week in this newsletter, we will add new information about volume that builds from the previous weeks.
Volume in the market is as important as fuel to your car.  Price does not move without buyers and sellers. To help in understanding typical volume and price behavior, post these notes beside your computer and learn to identify the different volume behaviors as they occur on your charts. By understanding volume, it will help you unlock profits you might have missed before.
Normal Volume Behavior:
  • Volume is highest before congestion (e.g. channel, pennant flat, triangle, etc.)
  • Volume is lowest as it moves deeper into congestion
  • Volume increases with a VALID breakout of congestion and then SUBSIDES as the trend begins.  (Look for the last Haweye Pivot being taken out.)
  • Volume increases in major reversals
  • Volume goes with the overall trend and dries up on the counter trend; i.e. volume should move with trend strength (trend dots are up and on an angle greater that 45%).
  • On double or triple top/bottom formations, Volume should be lower on the second double top/bottom formation showing lack of selling. Then volume will pick up and a trend will be established. If it goes into congestion, then it should slow down.

Unusual Volume Attributes which show a DIRECTION of price because volume isn’t behaving normally:
Congestion Areas:
  • If heavier volume appears at the low end of congestion area, buying is being supported and prices tend to go up after breaking out of the upper price resistance level.
  • If heavier volume appears at the higher price level in the congestion area, then there are more sellers than buyers.  Prices will eventually decline from the higher support area of the congestion zone.
  • Volume should increase during the breakout then subside as the trend begins to form.  However, if volume stays high after the breakout and prices move too strongly, then the breakout will not be valid and prices will move back into congestion until fair value has been established  then continue in trend (in other words  price has got ahead of its self and it requires attendant volume to confirm trend direction.)
  • If price retraces after a breakout from congestion  on high volume, and bounces off the outside edge of congestion, and then volume picks up again, this is a valid breakout.
  • Volume should be in the direction of the breakout.  However, if volume does not confirm the direction of the breakout, then prices will likely go in the opposite direction.  Remember, normal volume breakout increases with the breakout. Therefore, if you see a breakout with low volume, anticipate entering in the opposite direction as price cannot continue in this direction on low volume.

Volume Spikes are sudden and abrupt rises in volume (not just an increase in volume but a significant and abrupt increase in volume).   Volume spikes are normally easily identifiable on a chart because they stand out when compared to previous volume bars.
Large volume spikes at the top of markets should be accompanied by very little upward price movement at the end of the move.  This is what foretells the end of the advance.  If you get volume spikes with large or comparable price movement, then the price could continue upwards.  The key is price hitting a resistance line or seeing a small range bar on high volume.  The small range bar shows that there is resistance (or support in the case of large volume after a decline).
If you are in a trade and notice high volume bars without  advances in prices, as this is generally an indication of an impending reversal because the buyers (or sellers in downtrend) are drying up.  Additionally, when you see Wide Bars or multiple violent price swings with a volume spike, this indicates that the price will typically reverse very soon.
Upside spikes are always followed by heavy downward price pressure because the buyers dry up.  Downside price reversals in stocks usually go into congestion whereas overall market crashes result in action similar to an upside spike i.e. a reversal.  If you are already in a trade then you should be looking to exit on these spikes/crescendos because this is where price is going to reverse against you.
Remember that the large volume spikes at tops should ACCOMPANY very little upward price movement AT THE END OF A MOVE.  This is what foretells the end of the advance.  If you get volume spikes with large or commensurate price movement, then price could keep going.  So the key is price hitting a resistance line or a small range bar(s) on high volume.  The small range bar shows that there is resistance (or support in the case of large volume after a decline).
Circumstances of volume crescendos:

Price trend
Price trend
Subsequent Price
Before Volume Crescendo
While Volume Crescendo Builds
Up, accelerating
breaking down
Flat or congested
breakout to upside
Flat or congested
breakout to downside
accelerating downward
reversing up


Lower Volume
Be on the lookout for volume to begin decreasing or slowing as the price continues in the later stages of a trend as this shows a possible reversal, pause or at least an exit point.  Most likely this is a pause which indicates a further continuation of the existing trend after the congestion/retracement. This is in contrast to observing high volume at the latter stages of a trend which would be more indicative of a future reversal since this would indicate that participants were liquidating their holding.  A decrease in volume entering congestion/retracement simply means participants are still holding on for the next leg in the same direction so you would want to hold on to your position or enter/add at this point.
A true (permanent) top or bottom formation’s reversal should show high volume AFTER/ON the reversal AS WELL AS the trend PRECEDING the reversal.  If it shows light volume AFTER/ON the reversal then this means that the original trend will resume and the trend is not going to reverse i.e. it is simply a pause.  This then is how you tell if it is a temporary or permanent top/bottom or merely a pause in the trend i.e. looking at the nature of the volume both BEFORE and AFTER/DURING the top/bottom formation i.e. what volume is doing at the latter stages of the trend AND what volume is doing AS the price reverses.  This before and after analysis determines whether price will temporarily retrace/congest and continue in the direction of the original trend or whether is will permanently reverse into the opposite direction.
During the latter stages of a trend if volume dries up as price continues to rise – be careful of this since a reversal usually takes place the same as in a volume crescendo except that in this case there may or may not be a spike before the volume dries up.  If you see advancing prices, and declining volume then you should short or exit longs.  Remember, if prices are rising, volume should be rising if in an uptrend, and then volume should temporarily decline during a decline or consolidation in price.   Similarly, be careful of low volume as prices continue to decline in a bear market as you should be expecting an upward rebound once buyers finally step back in and all the sellers have disappeared.  This paragraph describes volume activity BEFORE/DURING the reversal (permanent) or retracement/congestion (temporary).  It describes what might happen in the future AFTER/ON the top/bottom.  Therefore this is an early warning BUT not definitive. To really know for sure, you have to watch volume AFTER/ON the top/bottom as described in paragraph 2 above.
Low volume price advances (or declines) really say that the buyers and sellers are at equilibrium which can’t last for long before one side will dominate again…and it is in opposite direction of which direction the previous trend was moving but again, the key appears to be what happens AFTER/ON the top/bottom as described above since low volume drying up action could just be a temporary pause rather than a permanent reversal.
What the above is saying is that if you see the opposite to the way volume should be strongly or at least STEADY AND CONSISTENT acting DURING a trend, then beware of either a reversal or pause. The general theme is that if you see lower volume at tops/bottoms as market price advances, then be on the lookout for some kind of change be it temporary (retracement/congestion) or permanent (reversal).   This is so because you should only see low volume on little or no price movement.  Remember it like this:  low volume = low price movement.  If low volume accompanies price movement then this can’t be sustained for long and a correction will occur.
However, light volume doesn’t necessarily guarantee a price retracement or reversal if price is only channeling or moving slightly because this is what light volume means i.e. light volume reversals should only occur when price is accelerating in some direction, not when price is already languishing.  Further, the bias is that if volume is light, then price will likely turn down, because fear is a more important motivator than greed so people watching light volume are more inclined to sell than buy.  Hence the axiom that the market will fall from its own weight, whereas to advance it needs heavy buying pressure.
So the key is that if volume is declining and price is retracing or going into congestion AFTER the pivot, then the price will likely continue on its previous trend path.  If price is retracing under high volume AFTER the pivot then a new trend in the opposite direction is underway and the reversal is permanent since only minor corrections should occur under light volume.  If volume and price are both advancing (but not extremely volatile) BEFORE a pivot then price will continue in the direction of the existing trend and will only temporarily retrace/congest.  If volume is declining and price continues to advance BEFORE the pivot, then expect a reversal or retracement in the future that might be permanent rather than a mere correction…again, look to AFTER the pivot for volume characteristics to confirm the price direction.  But, if volume is extremely high in the direction of the prevailing trend BEFORE/ON the pivot, then a permanent reversal will occur (i.e. climax.)
LOOKING AT volume patterns BEFORE price reverses
This paragraph describes volume patterns BEFORE price reverses i.e. WHILE price is STILL running in a trend. At the later stages of a bullish move, you can have either buyers (demand) drying up or more sellers (supply) appear as the move ends. You can tell who is in control by the fact that as price continues to rise but is losing momentum (rounding off), and ranges continue to narrow:
a)  Increasing volume means that more sellers are appearing.
b)  Decreasing volume means that buyers are not any longer available. Low volume leading up to the top pivot indicates that demand is drying up.
Both conditions indicate the trend is going to reverse. The important difference in these warnings is that if there are more sellers (supply) then this is more indicative of a price decline than demand drying up.  It indicates that the decline will be greater once the rally is over since the bears are taking over.  This in contrast to demand drying up where the supply side is not in control i.e. it only means that the buyers are less interested in higher prices AT THIS TIME.  The drying up of demand as evidenced by small volume as price advances to a top therefore might only be a pause in price since these owners are not selling and no new fresh sellers are shorting.  If the owners were selling, or there was a perceived top by the bears who would be shorting, then the volume would be high.  The higher probability short would then be to watch for tops forming on higher volume as opposed to volume merely petering out.  Remember that this action to be looked at is as the rally is still continuing i.e. the ‘before’ detailed in paragraph 2 and 7.  It is not on the reaction that follows the top (i.e. the ‘after’) in which case it follows the general rules e.g. if the reversal has high volume, then the trend will be down as compared to light volume on the reversal which would indicate a mere correction with the original bullish trend continuing. The same scenario in reverse occurs in a downtrend i.e. diminishing volume when price is contracting while still in the downtrend indicates that sellers are scarce and if volume is increasing while price is rounding/ slowing towards a bottom, then demand is in control as the shares are gobbled up as evidenced by the high volume. Therefore high volume during, or at the end of a downtrend would provide higher probability of a significant reversal to begin a new bullish trend. Light volume at bottoms shows that supply is drying up and taking the pressure off of selling which likely will lead to more selling.
Volume Patterns AFTER Price Reverses
This paragraph describes volume patterns AFTER price reverses.  Wyckoff states that AFTER a significant decline or selling climax, if you see price jump up on light volume this proves that the sellers are gone and a bullish trend will begin.  He says that if you see this rally to #2 on light volume, then you probably will get a reaction on light volume back down to point #3 which won’t take out the selling climax low #1 point.  It is after this that you get the high volume coming in as the accumulation begins.  Similarly at a top, light volume on the first decline says that the buyers are gone and that sellers are not pressuring the market but that the trend will turn bearish.  The next rally on light volume should not take out the buying climax high.  Then you should see heavy volume come in from the sellers to indicate the bearish trend is on its way.   If heavy volume comes in immediately on the firs reaction then there probably won’t be a 1-2-3 or double top style of correction so you would have to move much quicker than if you see a light volume correction – same for bottom.  So light volume AFTER a crescendo or climax tells you that a pause (double top/bottom, 1-2-3, congestion etc) is likely to occur whereas heavy volume AFTER a crescendo/climax tells you that the market is going to reverse into an opposite trend immediately.
This volume matrix shows a price direction when looking at volume at LATER stages of the trend shortly BEFORE the Hawkeye Pivot into a retracement:

Price Direction
Volume At Later Stages of Trend Before Pivot
Before Pivot
Bull continuing
Pause or possible reversal
Bear continuing
Pause or possible reversal

Volume Patterns
Another distinction of when it is likely to see low volume reversals are when either or both of these conditions exist:
a) After a slow or irregular price advance (or decline if the trend is down) on low volume.
b) After a period of dullness where prices are channeling in low volume.
The fact that both occur under light volume indicates that market participants are impatient so one of two things may occur:
a) The impatience of buyers holding stock begets selling as evidenced by higher volume or,
b) Both demand and supply dry up so the market falls under its own weight as evidenced by light volume.  This scenario usually doesn’t result in a deep decline but more of a channeling dullness with light volume up and down within the channel until there is a decisive turn resultant from news etc breaking the indecision.
To determine whether a correction (or going into CONGESTION WITHOUT A CORRECTION) is a retracement or a reversal, not only do you look to see that volume is light, indicating support of the prior trend, you also want price to confirm it by having price breakout from the pivot that gave rise to the correction i.e. the breaking above/below of the #1 pivot if it is only a retracement.  If it is a reversal then price should break above/below the #2 pivot of a 1-2-3 or double top/bottom.  Many times in the ES you see an advance under volume, and then price simply channels sideways AFTER THE ADVANCE without a downward correction.  When this channeling occurs, if you see little or no volume for several 625 tick bars, then expect the trend to continue on its original path.  If you see the channeling under heavy volume you have to try to determine if is going to break up or down – usually it reverses from the original trend.  Dullness after a rally in price under steady volume usually means a resumption of the trend.
High  Buying Volume
High Buying Volume – Distribution by the strong hands. Without price increasing further AFTER PRICES HAVE BEEN RISING means that this is a resistance level and that price is going to decline because there are more sellers absorbing all the buying volume which eventually dries up the buyers thus moving prices down.  This might not be a reversal point as price often declines into a consolidation and then eventually breaks price to the downside after the buyers become frustrated and stop trying to increase price. The key here is that if you see heavy volume but price isn’t increasing at the same rate, then beware that distribution is occurring and prices will decline. The big price increase (upthrust or spring – end of a top) on high volume is the other precursor.
High Selling Volume
High Selling Volume – Accumulation by the strong hands.  Without price decreasing further AFTER PRICES HAVE BEEN DECLINING means that this is a support level and that price is going to increase because the buyers are absorbing all of the sellers’ shares which eventually dry up the sellers giving way to a price advance. Again, this is usually a consolidation phase which should lead eventually to an upside breakout when the sellers are frustrated, exhausted or simply not enough of them available. The key here is that if you see heavy volume but price isn’t declining at the same rate, then beware that accumulation is occurring and prices will eventually rise.  The big price decline (shakeout or selling climax – end of a decline) on high volume is the other precursor.
Other Price Patterns with Volume
Watch for greater than 2 times the standard deviation of volume on a narrow range bar where the close is less than the open after a large run up as this portends a reversal to the downside. Similarly, after a bear market and you have the close greater that the open, large volume and narrow range bar, this is a reversal to the upside.
Watch for BOTH light volume AND a very narrow range as this is a prelude to an explosion out of the small range bar in one direction or the other